Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've always wanted a blog. I just wasn't sure if I'd have enough interesting things to say on a frequent basis. That was so silly of me. This blog will probably be a salvation for my boyfriend, friends and family. Because, let's face it, I talk a bit much.

What changed my mind about blogging? It was totally myspace. I started blogging on that site in December and I am addicted. I wish I had more time to shoot the shit (with myself?). But I don't. However, the few blogs I did get around to writing were heavily hit! Myspace allows you to see how many views your blogs get. In one day, I got over 80 on one blog about God-knows-what! With blogger, I won't know who's reading (will I?). But my chances of getting feedback will increase in a blog community, whereas myspace is a meat market. Or an undercover dating site, as my brother says. C'mon, you know it is.

I think it's because I'm a decent writer, I am laugh-out-loud funny (most of the time) and I have lots of importantly frivolous things on my mind.

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