Thursday, January 01, 2009

I rang in 2009 with my dad's side of the family, a much smaller bunch than my mom's. After midnight, we watched Ricky Martin perform a concert in (we think) Puerto Rico and I fell in love with the man. Yes, yes, I know he's gay or bi- or whatever. But that doesn't change the fact that he's gorgeous and talented.

I picked up best friend Natalie at her house and we went to best friend Caryn's sister's house for a party. We got home at 4 a.m. and it wasn't because we were dancing the night away. We just sat around and talked, laughed at a crazy situation regarding a guy who wasn't out of the closet but who was very gay. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." (Seinfeld episode, hilarious.)

Slept at Nat's and we talked for HOURS. (Her parents are in Atlanta and boyfriend Jorge was working.) This is a true miracle for me, seeing as I have been one of those old ladies who falls asleep early ever since high school. We covered everything from ex-boyfriends to current boyfriend (hers), old friends and new friends and everything in between. Nothing warms the heart more than a night of talking with your best friend since kindergarten.

Today we had a late breakfast at my godmother Odi's house. It's been a Jan. 1 tradition in our family for years and I'm glad Nat was able to share it with us this year. It took me a while to convince her because we were both exhausted, but I lured her with the promise of chocolate-chip pancakes, scrambled eggs and ham. (Totally worked.) 

I've been feeling very at peace on this first day of the new year. I am usually worried about something or turmoiled over some circumstance or another that I have no control over. Today (and, of course, I'm not sure how long this will last), I am relishing in this newfound sense of comfort. It's like I know that somehow, things will turn out OK. Not just for me, but for all of my loved ones. Not saying things will be perfect; nothing is. But they'll be OK.

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